Keyword Rank Checker Tool

Track All Types of Google Results, Including SERP Features

Check rankings across traditional organic results, SERP features (Knowledge Panel, videos, images, maps, hotels, People also ask, and more), as well as paid results (ads, Places, shopping and hotels).

WebCEO tracks all these types of results and shows special icons for each type of rank result in your SEO ranking report.

Check Keyword Rankings in Desktop and Mobile Search

With SEOMetriks’s Keyword Rank Checker software, you can easily track rankings of the same set of keywords in Mobile search and Desktop search: these results may differ dramatically!

Just select a mobile version of each targeted search engine in the SEOMetriks Rank Tracker settings.

Track Keyword Rankings for Multiple Locations

With SEOMetriks, you will now have a local keyword rank checker, so now you can check rankings across 370+ search engines for multiple locations, and even narrow your search down to the city or zip code.

Enjoy using the best-of-breed local keyword rank checker and see the full picture of your site visibility on various search engines, including all locations that might be used by your target audience.

Add a YouTube Video Rank Checker to Your Arsenal

YouTube is now the #2 search engine, after Google. Thanks to SEOMetriks, you can now have a YouTube Video Rank Checker at your disposal.

Just add YouTube as a search engine in the Rank Tracker settings, enter the URL of your YouTube account and channel, and you are done!

See How Well You Stack Up on SEs Against Your Competitors

With the SEOMetriks Rank Tracker Tool, you can see:

The average listing position of your competitors and compare it to yours
The site visibility of each competitor (Site Visibility is based on how many top positions your keywords hold on the results pages of targeted search engines, weighted by the search popularity of each keyword),
Detailed keyword rankings for each competing website including yours

SERP Cashed Results History at Your Fingertips

The SEOMetriks Keyword Rank Checker software will show you the actual result pages of chosen SEs for specific queries and dates, fully mirroring their content, i.e. featured snippets, paid, organic and vertical search results, knowledge panel, etc.

Highlighted will be your positions and the positions of your competitors. Click on any keyword and see the actual results we found.

Add Additional SEO Metrics to Your SEO Ranking Reports

To see the real value of your keyword rankings, you can add more columns to your ranking reports:

  • Global monthly searches
  • Local monthly searches (for 3 regions)
  • Number of competing URLs
  • Visits from other SEs
  • Visits from Google
  • Total visits
  • SERP (appears in the Detailed report)
  • Moz Domain Authority (appears in the “Dangerous competitors" report).